This case focuses on applying ethics in a learning environment in a professional setting (Part 2). In each part, students are asked to evaluate whether various behavior scenarios are ethical or unethical and provide support for their assessment based on the principles and techniques in the ethics mi...
This case focuses on applying ethics in a learning environment in a college setting (Part 1). In each part, students are asked to evaluate whether various behavior scenarios are ethical or unethical and provide support for their assessment based on the principles and techniques in the ethics mindset...
For this case, the students will perform tests related to employee authentication logins. Students are asked to analyze data to determine the average number of employee logins, if logins are missing from the authentication log, if terminated employees are still attempting to login, etc. The last pro...
This is a comprehensive introductory curriculum on blockchain that includes 24 modules (class sessions). You can review them here. Students will gain an understanding of the terms and definitions of blockchain and related technology, uses of blockchains, security benefits and risks with blockchai...
Advances in database systems, data visualization and the understanding of business processes have come together to create an exciting and powerful way for organizations to gain a deep understanding of their data with a technique called process mining. Process mining uses event logs from an organizat...
EY has developed a leading-class analytics platform, EY Helix, for use by its Assurance practice to leverage analytics techniques and technologies to bring more improvements and quality to each audit. EY Helix is a proprietary tool and not available for the classroom. However, the EYARC has develope...
EY has developed a leading-class analytics platform, EY Helix, for use by its Assurance practice to leverage analytics techniques and technologies to bring more improvements and quality to each audit. EY Helix is a proprietary tool and not available for the classroom. However, the EYARC has develope...
EY has developed a leading-class analytics platform, EY Helix, for use by its Assurance practice to leverage analytics techniques and technologies to bring more improvements and quality to each audit. EY Helix is a proprietary tool and not available for the classroom. However, the EYARC has develope...
This case asks students to assume the role of an internal auditor and perform various audit procedures on purchasing card (P-card) transactions for Oklahoma State University. This case covers each aspect of the analytics mindset but has a greater emphasis on the ETL process and the application of ap...
This case series focuses on data normalization and writing SQL queries of a relational database to answer accounting questions. The real-world data represents travel expenses of Canadian government workers. These cases can each be assigned independently, or they can be sequenced to provide an overvi...
This case series focuses on data normalization and writing SQL queries of a relational database to answer accounting questions. The real-world data represents travel expenses of Canadian government workers. These cases can each be assigned independently, or they can be sequenced to provide an overvi...
This case series focuses on data normalization and writing SQL queries of a relational database to answer accounting questions. The real-world data represents travel expenses of Canadian government workers. These cases can each be assigned independently, or they can be sequenced to provide an overvi...