EY Academic Resource Center (EYARC)

This website lists a summary of EYARC materials provided for free to academics. For each case, we provide a brief description and a link to download the full materials. You will need an account to download materials. Follow the instructions at the official EYARC website to receive access.
Use the search tool on the right of the screen to find case materials relevant to your class.

Students are asked to perform a cutoff analysis of Needles, Inc. using the DataSnipper technology. Cutoff tests are used in an audit to test management’s assertion that recorded transactions occurred during that period and provides evidence of the accuracy and completeness of a company’s financial s...

In this case, students will use the DataSnipper technology to help them review expense reimbursement receipts for an IT Consulting firm. Students are asked to review the legitimacy of each expense and to review compliance with established company policies and procedures.

Suitable courses: Account...