EY Academic Resource Center (EYARC)

This website lists a summary of EYARC materials provided for free to academics. For each case, we provide a brief description and a link to download the full materials. You will need an account to download materials. Follow the instructions at the official EYARC website to receive access.
Use the search tool on the right of the screen to find case materials relevant to your class.

This case series focuses on a fictitious company, Fairview Inc., a software-as-a-service company, that utilizes a travel expense reimbursement process for its sales and information technology employees who travel to customer locations. The Audit Committee would like to change its audit approach of t...

This case series focuses on a fictitious company, Fairview Inc., a software-as-a-service company, that utilizes a travel expense reimbursement process for its sales and information technology employees who travel to customer locations. The Audit Committee would like to change its audit approach of t...

This case series focuses on a fictitious company, Fairview Inc., a software-as-a-service company, that utilizes a travel expense reimbursement process for its sales and information technology employees who travel to customer locations. The Audit Committee would like to change its audit approach of t...

This case series focuses on a fictitious company, Fairview Inc., a software-as-a-service company, that utilizes a travel expense reimbursement process for its sales and information technology employees who travel to customer locations. The Audit Committee would like to change its audit approach of t...

This case is designed to have students use regular expressions (RegEx) to answer some basic questions about a small set of messy, unstructured customer data and then transform the data into a structured layout so it can be loaded into an application for analysis.

Suitable courses: Accounting info...

This case is designed to have students perform ETL procedures in R on a random selection of over a million, real-world customer transactions spanning a three-year period for Swift Arrow convenience stores (Swift). Swift operates in over 160 cities in the US and has over 180 stores.

Suitable course...

Case 5: Using VBA to transform data

These cases are offered in Excel and Alteryx and use real-world data. The cases are accompanied by how-to videos.

Suitable courses: Accounting information systems; Data analytics

Link to download files (requires login)

Case 4: Joining data

These cases are offered in Excel and Alteryx and use real-world data. The cases are accompanied by how-to videos.

Suitable courses: Accounting information systems; Data analytics

Link to download files (requires login)

Case 3: Advanced text extractions and unique identifiers

These cases are offered in Excel and Alteryx and use real-world data. The cases are accompanied by how-to videos.

Suitable courses: Accounting information systems; Data analytics

Link to download files (requires login)

Case 2: Basic text extractions and unique identifiers

These cases are offered in Excel and Alteryx and use real-world data. The cases are accompanied by how-to videos.

Suitable courses: Accounting information systems; Data analytics

Link to download files (requires login)

Case 1: Identifying data problems

These cases are offered in Excel and Alteryx and use real-world data. The cases are accompanied by how-to videos.

Suitable courses: Accounting information systems; Data analytics

Link to download files (requires login)

The Overview case covers fundamental considerations in the ETL process and requires students to confirm their understanding. This case can be used as an assessment tool.

These cases are offered in Excel and Alteryx and use real-world data. The cases are accompanied by how-to videos.

Suitable cou...