EY Academic Resource Center (EYARC)

This website lists a summary of EYARC materials provided for free to academics. For each case, we provide a brief description and a link to download the full materials. You will need an account to download materials. Follow the instructions at the official EYARC website to receive access.
Use the search tool on the right of the screen to find case materials relevant to your class.

This case is designed to have students perform ETL procedures in R on a random selection of over a million, real-world customer transactions spanning a three-year period for Swift Arrow convenience stores (Swift). Swift operates in over 160 cities in the US and has over 180 stores.

Suitable course...

This case provides students a background on the DuPont Method and then requires students to analyze financial statement data for various companies across industries using this method to form investment recommendations. This case is offered in Tableau and R and is accompanied by how-to videos.


This case asks students to assume the role of an analyst within Timp Health, a company that specializes in pharmacy benefit management. The task is to analyze drivers of gross drug costs and, ultimately, to develop a regression model that best predicts future gross drug costs. The real-world data fo...