<p>This case asks students to research emerging data and technology topics to gain understanding of the topics and to determine any potential impact on the accounting profession. Students document and present their research and are graded by their peers using a provided rubric. A list of possible topics, research websites and publications are provided for faculty consideration.</p>
<p><strong>Suitable courses:</strong> This case is designed for any course that teaches or uses data and technology in accounting. It is a great way to excite even the youngest accounting students about new opportunities that are developing in accounting, as well as attract those who are favorably disposed to technology.</p>
<p><a href="https://eyus.sharepoint.com/sites/EYARC/EYARC/Forms/AllItems.aspx?csf=1&web=1&e=nQaf7U&cid=6646ca30-5e01-493c-b26a-8fd47a50293d&RootFolder=%2Fsites%2FEYARC%2FEYARC%2FAnalytics%20mindset%2FCase%20studies%2FTech%20Explorer&FolderCTID=0x012000B2E36F818B78F64AAB7991B5401A29D3"><strong>Link to download files (requires login)</strong></a></p>