In this case, students are expected to automate the selection of a sample of expenses for testing for audit purposes based on: (1) a systematic selection of key transactions above or below a specified threshold and (2) a random selection of non-key transactions that do not meet the specified threshold. The case also requires students to automate the documentation of the selection procedures performed within audit working papers. The case requirements include the completion of the overview case first. We strongly suggest this, although the case can be completed without this requirement. This case does not require the completion of the additional RPA case offerings, although the skills learned in those cases will be beneficial to complete this case. This case is complex. Students will use the expense data from one .csv file. Students will use an Excel template file prepopulated with specific scope information for the audit sample (the Wizard). Students will use an audit working paper template Excel file for documentation. Students are encouraged to utilize two additional UiPath packages to make the data manipulation automation tasks easier ((ChangeColumnDatatype.Activities – to change the data field types initially identified by UiPath when the data is imported) and (BalaReva.DataTable.Activities – to provide data aggregation options)).

Suitable courses: AIS, Audit, Data Analytics

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